Incorporating a business is one way to configure your company as a legal entity. This includes a set of legal protections and certain legal status. The main types of companies that are recognized by most states are the following:

  • Individual Owner: refers to property that is owned in your sole name without any other owners or a beneficiary designation.

  • Limited society: In this type of company two or more people form a company.

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC): It is the most flexible business structure, a combination of corporation and limited partnership.

  • Corporation:This is a way of creating a company much more complex than the previous ones since percentages of the company can be offered for sale to attract investment.

The commercial strategy is a plan, a roadmap that will allow us to place our products or services on the market profitably and continuously over time.

All companies have or should have a well thought out and planned business strategy, especially today. Generally a company to apply and manage a good business strategy subdivides it into 4 parts:

  • Product strategy.

  • Price strategy.

  • Distribution strategy.

  • Communication strategy.

Strategic planning is the management process that allows organizations to define and establish the objectives to achieve, followed by the activities that will be necessary to achieve them. It is a fundamental tool for decision-making within any successful organization. Among some of its benefits include:

  • It serves as the basis for the other administrative functions (organization, coordination and control).

  • Lets make better decisions.

  • Increase job satisfaction by giving meaning and purpose.

  • Facilitates the distribution of time and resources.

  • It offers an operational method of dealing with problems and opportunities.

We detect needs and implement comprehensive solutions that allow the company, idea or project to maintain good and better management and operation standards, for which we advise and provide the following services:

  • Administrative Process:The concept of organization by the administrative approach is to compile capital, human resources, teams and processes, with the aim of achieving a certain result. Organization and company should not be capitalized.

  • Evaluation of systems, processes and methods to diagnose possible critical areas and their solutions.

  • Organization and methods.